Modern Slavery Act and Human Trafficking Statement


This slavery and human trafficking statement is made pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.  It constitutes our statement for the financial year ending 31 March 2023 and ensures that modern slavery and human trafficking is not taking place within our business or supply chains.

Modern slavery encompasses slavery, servitude, human trafficking and forced labour.  Sharp & Bentley has a zero-tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery within our business as well as in our supply chains.  We have robust systems and controls in place to safeguard against this.

Our Business

Sharp & Bentley is a firm of Chartered Surveyors, Fire and Access Consultants who operate in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and Southern Ireland.  We offer a range of diverse professional services within these fields.

Our supply chain is fairly limited although we still have the same zero-tolerance approach with regard to modern slavery and human trafficking.

We work in partnership with all our clients, contractors, suppliers, and other business partners ensuring that they share the same goal as ourselves.

Due Diligence

Recruitment and employment.

As an organisation which offers professional services, we have a strict recruitment policy in place.  This includes ensuring we have seen evidence of the potential employee’s ‘right to work’ in the UK.  This prevents Sharp & Bentley from employing anyone who is forced or trafficked labour.

It is the responsibility of all those employed by us or working under our control to prevent, detect and report modern slavery.  Employees are required to avoid any activity which may lead to a breach of this policy.  They must also raise concerns with management immediately should they identify modern slavery or a suspicion of modern slavery within the business or supply chain.  This is actively encouraged with our open-door policy.


All staff are fully aware of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 which is reviewed annually.


If it is identified that a supplier does not meet the required standard they are asked to act to improve.  If the required improvement is not forthcoming then the business relationship is terminated.

As a business, Sharp & Bentley is committed to tackling modern slavery and human trafficking.  This can only be done if our suppliers share our values.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and was approved by the Managing Director Stephen B. Mehmet of Sharp & Bentley Ltd.

Please contact Sharp & Bentley for a copy of our statement